Keynote Speech
Monday 12:00 - 12:30
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Smoking Cessation
Speaker: Solomon Rataemane
Chair: Fares Mili
In his keynote speech Solomon Rataemane will elaborate on behavioural interventions for smokers, techniques used to help individuals quit smoking by changing their behaviour and attitudes towards smoking. Some effective behavioural interventions that can be used alone or in combination to help smokers quit and maintain a smoke-free lifestyle include counselling, motivational interviewing, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), support groups, phone-based support, personalized text messages. Relapse prevention strategies will be also discussed.

Professor & HOD
Psychiatry Dept, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU)
South Africa

Pulmonologist, Allergiologist, Specialist in addiction behaviors, President of the NGO “Societé Tunisienne de Tabacologie et des comportements d’addiction”